Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Ideal Reader Mini Course

    • A Message from Jewell

  • 2

    Let's Get Started

    • Mistakes Writers Make In Marketing

    • The Reason 'WHY' You Need Your Ideal Readers

  • 3

    Addressing your Limiting Beliefs

    • Identify your Limiting Beliefs

    • Overcome your Limiting Beliefs

  • 4

    Module 1 - Define Your Novel

    • Identify Your Genre, Analyze & Compare

    • Define Your Novel

  • 5

    Module 2 - Understanding Your Audience

    • Understanding Your Audience

    • Understanding your Audience

  • 6

    Module 3 - Leverage Other Author's Audiences

    • Leverage Other Audiences

    • Leveraging Other's Audiences

  • 7

    Module 4 - How Can Your Book Help

    • How Can Your Book Help

    • How Can Your Book Help

  • 8

    Module 5 - Source Their Hangout Spots

    • Where Do They Hangout

    • Where Do They Hangout

  • 9

    Bonus Module - Top Tip

    • Bonus Round

    • Bonus Questions

  • 10

    Next Steps...

    • What's Next

    • Join the Community

    • Apply for Coaching

  • 11

    Resource Vault

    • Target Reader Workbook